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Stories of Amazing Grace
Hosted by Larry Souder

Thank you for visiting the Stories of Amazing Grace website. We aim to share stories of a person's walk of faith to encourage and inspire others.  

Every month, Larry Souder interviews people who have been touched by the grace of God. Guests share Stories of Hope, Joy, and Faith - Stories of Amazing Grace.


Some stories may bring a tear, while others may bring a smile. They are stories of real people touched by a real God. Their story may be your story or the story of a friend or neighbor.


We all have struggles, but God is with us no matter what our struggles are.

Larry Souder

Our theme scripture for Stories of Amazing Grace is found in Romans 8:38-39: "I am sure that nothing can separate us from God's love - not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. Nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord." 


Where to See LiveStories of Amazing Grace is recorded before a live audience on the first Wednesday night of each month in Bixler Chapel, at the Madison Church of Christ, 106 Gallatin Pike North, Madison, TN. Come join us at 6:30 pm for the next edition of Stories of Amazing Grace in Nashville.      


Where to Watch, Stories of Amazing Grace Facebook & YouTube Channels, and on Praise&Harmony.TV.


Where to Listen Later: Program excerpts can be heard worldwide through the shortwave broadcast facilities of World Christian Broadcasting and on Apple Podcasts.


Guest Consideration: If you are interested in being a guest on Stories of Amazing Grace, I would love to hear from you. For guest consideration, please send information about yourself and the story you would like to share to Guests do not receive financial compensation for appearing on SOAG. However, you are welcome to offer any books you have written for sale in the lobby.


Audience: Attendance can vary from 50 - 150. Feel free to invite your friends and family members to be a part of the live audience.


Support: Stories of Amazing Grace is a self-funded ministry supported by individual donations.



Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on Stories of Amazing Grace are those of the guests appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Madison Church of Christ or the Producer of this Program.






Top Row: Don Belles, Don Wall, Todd Hibbs, Larry Souder

Bottom Row: Nate Embry, William Stanton, Taylor Fulks, Don Allen, Anthony Lancaster

Photo By - Don & Margaret Wall





AMAZING GRACE - Sweetest Song I Know

Copyright © 1941 Bridge Building Music (BMI) (Adm. at All rights reserved.

Music Video





GUESTS: Click to watch




LIVING On a Mission


  "Living on a mission for Jesus has been the central theme of our lives. God has called us to step through many doors by faith despite circumstances, challenges, and cultural differences with those we have been called to serve. I firmly believe that living on mission is not just for 'missionaries'; it is a universal role that we all share, to spread the message of Jesus to the ends of the earth by every means possible." 

Rex and Brenda's journey began by sharing Jesus in high school and the workplace and continued in Papua New Guinea and with Latin Americans. For many years, Rex has pioneered using media creatively to spread the Good News of Jesus. Hear the story of this inspiring missionary couple on Stories of Amazing Grace.  




LGBTQ+ Topics and the Bible


Over the last twenty years, there's been a sharp increase in the number of Christians who either accept or approve of at least parts of the LGBTQ lifestyle. How should Christians respond? Dr. Rubel Shelly has written two books on the issue. "Male & Female God Created Them," and "The Ink is Dry." Dr. Shelly shares insights from his research in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.


SOAG No. 88 - A.J. Wolf, aka Santa Claus


Cheer in Gear


AJ was born into a family of turmoil and, as a very young boy, experienced nightmares stemming from his parents' constant fighting. He found refuge in hiding behind a couch. It was there that an unexplained sense of warmth and calm covered him. Fast-forward to today, and AJ comforts and brings Christmas cheer to children with Santa's Holly Davidson Christmas Motorcycle.


SOAG No. 87 - Pat Coomer


I Was Kidnapped


Pat Coomer recounts how she was kidnapped from her home at gunpoint in January 2017 and how God sustained and delivered her through this terrifying ordeal. Pat says, "There is a higher being who will guide and protect us - if we will give Him permission - then let Him do His work." Pat shares her story of abduction and rescue in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.


SOAG No. 86 - Matt & Macy Collins


The Magnolia Foundation

Honoring the Legacy of 4-Year-Old Hattie


Matt and Macy Collins share the story of the tragic loss of their 4-year-old daughter Hattie when an EF4 tornado slammed into their Cookeville, TN, home on March 3, 2020. To help other families who have experienced the death of a child, the Collins formed the Magnolia Foundation to assist in meeting the practical and emotional needs of grieving parents. 


SOAG No. 85 - Michelle Stanton


Shh! It's the "H" Word!

Hospice and Hope at the End of Life

Hospice: It’s a word that instills anxiety and fear in many people because they equate it with hopelessness and “giving up.” However, hospice is a philosophy of care that addresses patients' and their loved ones' physical, emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial needs. This concept of care focuses on relieving pain, providing comfort, and increasing patients' quality of life. 

Spend time with an award-winning hospice nurse, Michelle. She will explain five hospice myths and share remarkable stories of end-of-life experiences with the patient and her family. Michelle provides practical end-of-life information for yourself and your loved ones. This is an important Story of Amazing Grace that affects all of us.


SOAG No. 84 - Patrick Mead


"Wrestling with God -

Your Tough Bible Questions Answered"


Patrick Mead has a unique background as a minister. With doctorates in psychology and neuroscience, he comes at scripture from a unique vantage point and doesn’t shy away from the questions he and others have concerning our scriptures and our faith. He founded an online church during Covid that now reaches over 3000 weekly from a soundstage in Brentwood, Tennessee. Patrick also has a popular weekly video podcast on YouTube entitled Who Told You About? Watch and learn as Patrick answers some difficult Bible questions in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.


SOAG No. 83 - Aaron Howard


"Lipscomb University Gospel Choir"


Led by their director, Dr. Aaron Howard, Lipscomb University Gospel Choir is a forty-strong, multiracial group of students who are a vibrant bridge towards faith and unity. 

Through the message, beauty, and power of gospel music, they help audiences deepen their connections with God and each other. 

Watch and listen to these self-proclaimed ambassadors of racial unity and reconciliation on this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.



SOAG No. 82 - Terry Ashley


"Grace Brought Me Home"


God doesn't call very many Christians to do great things, but He does call all of us to do small things in a great way, in the name of Christ, for God's glory. You don't have to write a book, produce a TV show, or climb Mount Everest to have a testimony about God's grace that's worth sharing. He can take even the most ordinary person and bless them with an extraordinary lifetime journey.
 Through visual illustrations, Terry Ashley shares his struggle with rediscovering a long-lost faith and how God gives us a purpose and allows us to join Him in His work. 
Terry is the Benevolence Minister at the Madison Church of Christ and, with the help of many volunteers, serves the homeless and needy in the Madison, TN, area. 

SOAG No. 81 - David Rives

"Sharing the Gospel

and Declaring the Glory of God Through Science"

If you missed seeing David Rives in person, be sure and watch this Stories of Amazing Grace.


David says the Creator left a pattern of His fingerprints across each corner of the universe, found in every crevice on earth and imprinted in every cell of our bodies. A pattern that David has devoted his life to finding and sharing...while declaring the glory of God through scientific study.


David and his brother Murry are co-founders of the Wonders Center and Science Museum in Dickson, TN. The museum is the largest science museum in the world that upholds Biblical values.


SOAG No. 80 - Diane Burton

"From a Broken and Fat Masterpiece to the Master's Peace"

Diane Burton, author of The Master’s Masterpiece and creator of The Wisdom Board & Wisdom Series, is a certified grief coach and an accredited health and wellness coach.

Diane battled the label of “fat girl” from age six. She lost the weight and has kept the weight off for 52 years, but for 40 years, she couldn’t let go of the degrading words people said to her during those formative years. Fear of regaining weight caused intense grief and depression.

While training to become a Grief Coach, Diane realized she had carried the “fat girl” label in her head, and through this training, she learned to release the fat girl and her grief. She then wrote The Master’s Masterpiece, turning her misery into her mission.

In her Wisdom Board Workshops, Diane helps women realize the importance of God’s wisdom to help them spiritually, emotionally, physically, and financially. She guides and supports clients from pain to peace in all walks of life.


SOAG No. 79 - Sandy Jones

"My Journey with Transverse Myelitis and Paralysis"

Sandy Jones shares her battle with a rare disease that only strikes one in three million people. Transverse Myelitis is an inflammation of part of the spinal cord. This Autoimmune Disease takes no prisoners regardless of age, sex, or nationality. 

Sandy woke up one morning as usual, but within 24 hours, she was paralyzed from the waist down. "Your life as you know it will be no more!" 
It took the removal of Sandy's plasma out of her body for 7 days at Vanderbilt Hospital to stop her antibodies from attacking her spinal cord. Removing her plasma prevented the Transverse Myelitis from attacking further, but her bladder and colon were paralyzed.
Sandy describes herself as a strong-willed individual who enjoyed riding her motorcycle before being struck with the disease. She now lives by herself following the death of her husband to Covid-19 and is assisted with her mobility with the help of her Great Danes. 
Sandy says that God has been at work in her life, and she wants to share her story to help others.


SOAG No. 78 - Robert "Buzzy" Neil

Some Things Are Not Always As They Seem

Robert Neil Jr., known by many as Buzzy, is a retired elementary teacher and principal of 32 years, having taught in Hawaii, Sumner County, and Metro Nashville, and was the first of 3 male kindergarten teachers in Public Schools in Tennessee. Buzzy was privileged to spend a summer studying missions all around the world in 1967.

Other than spiritual matters, his chief interests have been collecting old things and old ways. He even moved the Lipscomb cabin from Bells Road to the Lipscomb campus in 1986.

Buzzy shares life stories from his book "The Free Range Life of Buzzy Neil." And offers proof that Some Things Are Not Always As They Seem.

Hear the following stories: The Five Dollar Truck Elvira - The Mistress of the Night, says Hello My Homeless Outfit at McDonald's Restauran, and More.

It's a fun-filled, inspirational Stories of Amazing Grace.


SOAG No. 77 - Michael and Kerry Ross

Preview to the Pulpit

Simply put, our family is our “Story of Amazing Grace.” For as long as we can remember, we have tried to live by the words we shared with our children every time we dropped them off at school, sports, a friend’s house, etc. “Remember who you are and whose you are.” Our philosophy was for them to always remember who they were -- they are a Ross, and the family name is worth representing well. And to remember whose they were (most important) – they belonged to God, and there was no choice but to represent Him well.

From medical health issues to mental health issues. From sports to musical theater. From foster care to adoption. From careers in healthcare, ministry, and early intervention to Christian higher education. The one constant that has always sustained us is the Amazing Grace of God. There is no possible way we could have endured, stayed strong, and come to this time in life without the central focus of everything being rooted in God.

We have made our share of mistakes and will continue to do so, but we rest in the power of God’s love to carry us through those times.



SOAG No. 76 - Andy Baker

President/CEO, World Christian Broadcasting

"The Importance of Hospice

and the Freedoms We Have in America"

A Two-Pronged Story of Amazing Grace

“In my 15 years of working in hospice, I was often reminded of the grace of God to be on the giving end of care and not the receiving end of care. During this time, I had issues with melanoma cancer myself. Therefore, I went to work daily with a support group. It was when I met a little 4-year-old girl whose dad was dying of cancer that it really hit me how precious life is and to be able to help others at that special time in their lives when they need hospice care." 

In my work with World Christian Broadcasting and working with our 8 language Senior Producers, I have become more appreciative of the freedom we enjoy in America to worship freely. I have realized that if a few wars had turned out differently and a few different leaders had gotten into power, I could be living in a place where I could not worship in public. A recent trip to South Korea, where I saw a country poised for war, has caused me to appreciate freedom more. In some countries, just having a Bible can get you in deep trouble with their governments.”


SOAG No. 75 - Jerrie and Gail Barber

"Fleecy Clouds"

One Woman's Story of Surviving and Thriving

after Childhood Abuse

Gail's family was poor but rich with love. When her mother was in the hospital giving birth to the youngest child, their house burned. Before leaving the hospital, Gail’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. 


When her mother passed, Gail and her siblings went to stay with their family, eventually living at her grandmother's house. Although warned that this was not a good decision, Gail’s father felt it was his only option. However, it was nearly fatal for little Gail. Her father—her hero—saved her in the nick of time. 


The Welfare Department soon removed Gail and her two younger siblings and placed them in foster homes. They were ultimately placed at Childhaven, an orphanage for fortunate children.


Despite great sadness and pain in their early years, Gail and her siblings grew up to be strong, loving, and faith-filled adults. But those early traumatic childhood events weighed on Gail’s body, mind, and spirit until she was in her forties. Finally agreeing to seek help, she started seeing a Christian counselor. That was the beginning of her healing journey.

No matter how much hurt you’ve endured, there’s always a path to healing and wholeness. In Fleecy Clouds: One Woman’s Story of Surviving and Thriving after Childhood Abuse, Gail’s story is evidence of the resiliency of the human spirit, the power of love, and the never-ending mercies of a loving Father. 


SOAG No. 74 - Jim Morris

"Flawed Houses of Four Seasons"

A Memoir

   Believing life events happen for particular reasons and that people are brought together for specific purposes, my search for truth cannot be left to chance. My search has two distinct prongs. One prong was searching for God and making sense of boundless love.  God sprinkled my young life with a host of Christian people – people I did not necessarily recognize as significant at the time of our association. The other prong is my response to unexpected life events regarding my paternity. My choice is to be as open as possible to whomever and wherever the search leads.

 At the same time, recognizing how tremendously blessed I am to have weathered many storms. God’s Amazing Grace in the midst of those storms led me to make decisions resulting in life altering consequences. 

The trajectory of my life could have taken so many wrong turns. I am grateful it did not, but heart strings remain tied to a past – one never truly severs all connections to the past – my past and present are with me every waking moment. Every time I see the numerous names in my DNA lineage, I see my past but also potential future. Perhaps a potential future that will interweave one day with new people or just a single person to add another piece to the puzzle to aid in molding me into the individual I am becoming.


 I remain a student of God’s grace, and recipient of boundless love. His infinite faithfulness always provides at just the precise moment it is most needed – my entire life span is a testimony to that statement. Is that not Amazing Grace?     


SOAG No. 73 - Brandon Adams

"My Bible - From Gift on a Shelf to Fuel for Life 

and a Personal Relationship with Jesus"

A series of tragic events prompts a young man to move from complacency to a personal relationship with Jesus. During this critical time, Brandon discovered the real meaning of the Bible and the truth within. Brandon shares his story for only the second time in public in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.


SOAG No. 72 - Chris Neighbours

"What to Do When a Death Occurs"

One of the topics very few of us want to talk about is our eventual death. We would rather talk about the latest fashion, our dream car, or our favorite sports team, but not death. With over 30 years of experience in the funeral industry, Chris Neighbours is well-qualified to discuss the complexities and some of the pitfalls to avoid when making final arrangements for yourself or a loved one. God has allowed Chris to follow his passion for serving his fellow man in a way that brings comfort during a very stressful time. Hear his story in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.


SOAG No. 71 - Don & Margaret Wall

"From Video Poker Machines to the Foot of the Cross"

After hitting rock bottom and with thoughts of suicide Don enters prison and is released as a man changed by God. “The message we want to convey is even though a person starts out wrong in life, it doesn’t mean they have to end their life on the wrong path. It is never too late to turn one’s life around when one allows God to enter their world. Our lives change when we choose to follow God and obey His commands. Putting our absolute faith in God can be a daunting, scary task, not knowing what we will face on the other side of the door, but it is the faith walk all Christians must take.”



SOAG No. 70 - Bethany McClellan & Debbie Anglin

"I Lost My Arm, But Life Goes On"

Life changed in so many ways after Bethany received a devastating diagnosis of a rare form of cancer at 8 years old, resulting in her right arm amputation. Yet, even as she faced many challenges and struggled along the way, Bethany was constantly reminded of God's presence. Bethany and her mother, Debbie, share God's healing power and the miracles He weaves into our lives in the most unlikely circumstances.


SOAG No. 69 - Jeff & Darlene Sweet

"An Angel Among Us - 20 + Years later"

"Although our daughter Katie's life is very different from what we, parents, would have wanted or planned for her, God knew best. She has taught us unconditional love, and she will no longer have a disability or be unable to speak in eternity. That helps keep our Christian life in check because we want to be there for that. Katie has been our life's greatest teacher."


SOAG No. 68 - Lee Hodges

"Hope Springs International"

Lee Hodges was raised in the church and was impressed when missionaries came to visit and speak as a teen. He later became a minister and also made mission trips to Africa. But later, a period of burnout led to Lee walking away from ministry and spending the next few years in a very dark place. Could God forgive him or ever use him again? The answer is yes, and now Lee is the President of Hope Springs International. Lee shares his story of coming from Legalism to Forgiveness to Water Wells.


SOAG No. 67 - Randell Stroud

"Removing the Sting of Death"

It's sometimes unusual today to hear a young man proclaim his faith in God. Randell Stroud is such a person. He's also a boxer and a martial arts professional. He spends much of his time participating in youth boxing programs and online Biblical lectures, reaching thousands weekly.
Randell has witnessed people die all his life - but he never expected it to happen so soon. After all, he was only 33 years old. But, one night in 2020, a bullet grazed the back of his head during a heated argument with some men in downtown Nashville.
Seven others were also shot. It was a wake-up call for Randell to re-discover his childhood faith in God.
 Randell will share his near-death experience and present arguments for the existence of God.


SOAG No. 66 - Chris Gingles

"From a Romanian Orphanage to Healing Hands International"

If you have ever been on a Mission Trip to a foreign country, you know how the experience can change your life. Chris Gingles was so moved by the experience that he decided to coordinate relief efforts for the Romanian people. This led to Chris becoming the Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of Healing Hands International. Watch, and learn more about Chris and the great work of Healing Hands International.


SOAG No. 65 - Steve Diggs

"Financial Advice from a Biblical Perspective"

Steve Diggs is the founder of six businesses. He led his own advertising agency and broadcast production firm for 25 years. But, in the early days of his business career, at age 27, Steve was diagnosed with significant heart disease. In his 30's, he underwent 5 heart bypasses…and was given only one to two years to live. Thankfully, God had other plans.
So, in 2000, he sold his businesses with a mission to go from personal success to significance in other people's lives. 
Steve is an internationally recognized author and speaker, sharing his insights over 4,000 times on five continents. He is a bestselling author of eleven books, including "No Debt, No Sweat." In this Story of Amazing Grace interview, Steve shares valuable advice on creating a financial plan that combats debt from a biblical perspective.

SOAG No. 64 - Pastor Ron Baptiste

"Biker Church"

It's hog heaven for motorcycle lovers. But for the churchgoers at Covenant Confirmers ministries in Springfield, Tennessee, it's just another Sunday service. The revving of the Harley is their call to worship, as the Congregation sports their Sunday best...leather and blue jeans. Pastor Ron Baptiste says the ministry has helped transform the lives of ex-cons, former prostitutes, and rehabilitated drug addicts. A medical clinic also provides free health care to the community.


SOAG No. 63 - Mary Craig

"Broken But Not Forgotten"

Mary Craig's childhood was split between two households. In one home, women were objects of pleasure. In the other, a financially struggling single mother tried to teach about Jesus but didn't know how to be a mother. Fortunately, Mary came into a nonjudgmental church and realized that although broken, she was not forgotten.


SOAG No. 62 - Steven Allen Young

"From Chains to Change"

The story of a formerly homeless man weighed down by guilt and shame. He partied, slept around, manipulated people, and became a con, a thief, and an addict. A man who changed forever from a God-Hater into a God-Follower. Steven Allen Young now helps the homeless through his Home Street Home ministry.


SOAG No. 61 - Teva Chaffin

"Domestic Violence Survivor"

A domestic violence survivor shares her story of an answered prayer. Throughout her eight-month nightmare, Teva prayed to God to get her out of an abusive marriage. Her prayer was answered, and now she tells her story in hopes of encouraging other survivors.


SOAG No. 60 - Debbie Leeper

"The Little Girl That Kept Pushing"

Debbie Leeper is a self-described oddball retired Anesthesia Nurse. She shares how the grace of God was part of the highs and lows of her move from Michigan to Tennessee. Including her search for a church family, serving in a prison ministry, surviving a life-threatening illness, finding a solution to her weight problem, and her passion for rescuing wild animals.                                                                                                  


"A Story of Heartbreak and Betrayal"

A preacher finds out that his wife and son had been murdered by his disabled son's sexual abuser from church. Les' story is gripping, raw, and honest. Les is the author of "Still Wrestling - Faith Renewed Through Brokenness."


"Christian Counseling"

In this freewheeling interview, Christian Psychologist and identical twin Dr. Frank Scott shares his thoughts on God's Providence, demon possession, transgender issues, suicide, childhood influences, mindfulness,
and other topics related to his years of counseling.



"Celebrate Recovery"

Before they found FREEDOM in a relationship with Jesus Christ, Matt and Christy Driscoll were guilt-stricken individuals trying to hide their pain in selfish, worldly, and bottomless satisfactions. Their marriage was over because it was built on lies, guilt, and shame. The turning point was when they walked through the doors of a ministry called Celebrate Recovery. They say Celebrate Recovery is what the church is supposed to be.



"One Foot in Heaven"

A tragic near-death motorcycle accident turns triumphant, and even joy-filled as the God of Grace pours His lavish love on Sheila Preston Fitzgerald. Join Sheila as she recounts her heartfelt - at times horrific, at time hilarious - journey. Sheila passes along incredible hope from one night that changed everything to her spiritual healing with the Savior as she walks with One Foot in Heaven.



"Searching for the Pattern"

John Mark Hicks, professor of theology at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN., holds a Ph.D. in Post-Reformation Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary. He has authored several books, including Searching for the Pattern. Professor Hicks lovingly and graciously shares his transition from a "blueprint hermeneutic" to a theological one. A hermeneutic based on the narrative of the Bible rather than a list of rules. John Mark Hicks' findings are a true story of God's Amazing Grace.



"Even In The Dark I Surrender"

Dorcas Wiley Curry, the author of "Even In The Dark I Surrender", shares her journey through job loss, divorce, and breast cancer. While there isn't a magical solution to life's challenges, Dorcas says there is a 5-Step Process that should be a part of our spiritual toolbox. With all the challenges surrounding race relations, Dorcas recently co-founded a group called Shades of Grace Sisters. This organization helps Christian sisters of all skin colors and ethnicities honestly relate emotionally, physically, and spiritually to each other as one family of God.




World Christian Broadcasting

"The World Is Listening"

President Emeritus of World Christian Broadcasting, Charles Caudill, shares with Larry Souder how God is using shortwave radio to tell the story of Jesus to listeners around the world.



Understanding God in a Suffering World

John Mark Hicks is a professor of theology at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. He holds a Ph.D. in Post-Reformation Theology from Westminster Theological Seminary. He is the author of several books, including Yet Will I Trust Him, Come to the Table, and Searching for the Pattern. John Mark says the pillars of his faith were shaken by the death of his wife in 1980. He also has two deceased children - one by miscarriage with his first wife, Sheila, and Joshua Mark Hicks with Barbara. At sixteen, Joshua died after a long struggle with a genetic condition called Sanfilippo Syndrome. John Mark Hicks is uniquely qualified to address the problem of suffering in today's world.



Hope for the Hopeless

Founder and President of Nashville Inner City Ministry, Lytle Thomas, shares his passion for helping Nashville's Inner-City Children and their families. Lytle and NICM volunteer Shayla Cartwright believe that most of the problems facing the world today can be solved by strong Christian homes.



Science, Faith, and Freedom

What do you do when science collides with what you've heard and believed about scripture? 

Is science the enemy of faith? 

What is the rational, scientific-minded person supposed to do with faith in God? 

Is God willing to entertain our questions and doubts?


The Bible says that Jacob wrestled God by the river Jabbok. 

Patrick says he has done the same so often that he has season tickets. And yet, he believes. 

How does he make that work? 

Patrick is trained as a scientist and works extensively with law enforcement at the state, federal, and international levels, helping those who serve avoid burnout and PTSD. 

He also leads a hybrid church with members in 7 nations and nearly every US state.

Strengthen your faith as Patrick shares evidence of God in the world around us.




My Adventures in Heaven

While very, very sick with Covid - 19, Jennifer says she paid a visit to Heaven. Jennifer says that some people will believe her experience, and some won't, but her purpose is to tell it because there is nothing to fear in death.



God's Faithfulness Through Extreme Tragedy

In December 2015, Daniel and Jamie got a call that their two-year-old son William had choked during lunch. Despite paramedics and the doctor's best efforts, William never regained any brain activity. So it was an answered prayer when the Heards were presented with the option of organ donation. Sweet William's heart made its way to a new home in the body of eighteen-month-old Ava Martin in Chicago. The Heard's story is of incredible hope as they have seen God's faithfulness through extreme tragedy. 



Racial Awareness

The dictionary defines racial discrimination as "any discrimination against any individual based on their skin color, or racial or ethnic origin." That's the cold definition, but unless you have experienced it, it has little meaning or impact on you as a person. Brenda Jones experienced racial discrimination as a child and as an adult. She is an excellent example of how a Christian should respond to discrimination while maintaining class and grace.



Cigar Lounge Ministry

God spoke to his heart and said, "Open a Cigar Shop. It will be a ministry that will bring men together who haven't been to church, or walked away from the church, or are looking for a church." During the first year of operation, eight men found God through Rick's Cigar Lounge Ministry.



Persecuted in India

Are Christians still persecuted today? Unfortunately, if your name is Pastor Bryan Nerren, the answer is yes. Pastor Nerren was detained in India for over 7 months for doing mission work on behalf of poor children. Pastor Nerren believes he was caught up in a crackdown on American Christians and says the most challenging part of the experience was its strain on his family. Nerren and his wife Rhonda share the story of their ordeal in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace with Larry Souder.




My Search for the Real Heaven

Have you ever wondered what heaven will be like? After his father died, author Steve Hemphill began searching for glimpses of heaven, anything to give him comfort about his father's new home. Seven years of study resulted in "My Search for the Real Heaven." His Biblical research will challenge your thinking about what heaven may be like.



A Miracle 50 Years in the Making

Jennifer Anglin had a fairy tale life growing up as an adopted child. God chose her parents, giving her no need to find biological ties. But, by a series of events orchestrated by God, she found her birth mother. In a miracle 50 years in the making, Jennifer shares her remarkable Story of Amazing Grace, redemption, and unfailing Love with Larry Souder.



Searching for God's Purpose

The former lead singer with the vocal group ACAPPELLA, George Pendergrass, shares his quest to find purpose in his life.
Includes rare footage of his appearance with the Irish Rock Band U2 and the New Voices of Freedom Choir singing "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" at Madison Square Garden.



A Model of Great Perseverance

Hannah Tracy is only 18 years old, but she has already had 70 surgeries, including her first surgery at 2 hours of life. Through all of her medical difficulties, Hannah has never complained or asked, “Why me?” - even after her recent 4th knee surgery. Unfortunately, Hannah also has a one-in-a-million diagnosis of Oculofaciocardiodental Syndrome. You’ll find out what that is and hear Hannah’s story of joyous perseverance on this episode of Stories of Amazing Grace with Larry Souder.


SOAG No. 40 - Kim Harmon

A Family Murder Followed by True Forgiveness

Kim Harmon, the author of Fall Forward, shares a story of struggle, strength and true forgiveness following the shooting death of her brother by her nephew. Kim shares this family tragedy with Larry Souder on Stories of Amazing Grace.



What to Remember When They Forget - Alzheimer's Disease


 One out of every 9 adults will develop Alzheimer's, and half of us will be challenged with caregiving a spouse, parent, in-law, or sibling with the disease. Are you prepared? Do you know the tell-tale signs that distinguish "Senior moments" from early dementia? Do you know what steps you can take to delay or prevent the onset of Alzheimer's? What are the biggest mistakes caregivers make in ministering to the needs of their loved ones with dementia? How can we demonstrate the love and patience of Christ when ministering to those with dementia, whether family or church members? Christian internist Dr. Sally Burbank shares her 30-years of experience with this dreaded disease on Stories of Amazing Grace with Larry Souder.



Mobile Crisis Response Team Supervisor Helps Thousands

 Mobile Crisis Response Team Supervisor, Stan Overstreet, shares how
the Mental Health Cooperative of Nashville helps those who are experiencing 
a mental health crisis.


God Answered An Author's Prayer

David Johnson, the best-selling author of the Tucker Series of books shares how he came up with the Tucker character in his books, the blessings the books have had on his readers, and how he has been blessed by God. With sales approaching one million, David has developed a reputation as a writer of "books with heart," books that feature strong, unforgettable characters from humble backgrounds who have to grapple with the unexpected turns of everyday life. Some books David has written include Tucker's Way, March On, April's Rain, and Ransom's Law.



Breaking the Sound Barrier

Poppy O'Guin Steele, the author of "Deaf in a City of Music" and the founder of the Sign Club Co.,
shares stories of the day-to-day lives, joys, and frustrations of members of the Deaf culture. 
Some shocking statistics:
50% of Deaf Children are Sexually Abused,
90% of Deaf Children are Born to Hearing Parents,
and 75% of Those Parents Have Never Learned Sign Language.


Bringing Joy to Hospitalized Children

Eleven-year-old cancer survivor Laura Jones brightens the lives of children with life-threatening illnesses. Laura founded "Laura's Wish" ( to give new toys to children in hospitals worldwide. Laura, her Dad, and Mom share the story of "Laura's Wish" with Larry Souder on this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.



Searching for Peace in the Valley of Grief

Is it possible to find your way back to God after your world is destroyed? Following the death of her only child, Joy Martell Souder tumbles down the dark shaft we call grief - and finds herself lost. The author of "Where Is Joy? " shares advice to help others find peace in this interview with her husband, Larry Souder, on STORIES OF AMAZING GRACE.



Convicted of Murder, Saved by Grace

Can a former illicit drug user, drug dealer, fornicator, and self-described miserable wretch transform into a sanctified follower of Jesus Christ? Yes, he can, and Allan Preston Brooks is a living testimony to that fact. Allan Brooks, convicted of murder and spent 28 years in prison, shares his story of redemption.



Private Investigator Reunites Families

Norma Tillman, a 30-year veteran licensed private investigator with a proven track record for finding missing people and reuniting separated families, shares the joys and trials of bringing people together on this Stories of Amazing Grace with Larry Souder.



 Tennessee Church Shooting

Minister Joey Spann and church member Caleb Engle share their experience confronting a gunman at the Burnette Chapel Church of Christ in Antioch, TN, on September 24, 2017. One person was killed, and several others were wounded during the mass shooting. Caleb is considered a hero by many for confronting and stopping the gunman from inflecting additional casualties. Spann says, "The shooting changed us. We don't go to church anymore; we gather to worship."



Never, Never Quit: The Jim Shannon Story

As a result of cerebral palsy, his chin is the only part of his body that he has total control over. With the help of a computer and a custom-made chin switch, Jim Shannon can communicate with a voice synthesizer. Be amazed as Jim shares his "never quit" attitude with Larry Souder on Stories of Amazing Grace.




Same-Sex Attraction and the Church


Pieter Valk is the Executive Director of EQUIP Ministry. EQUIP is a non-profit Christian consulting ministry committed to equipping the Church to better love those who experience same-sex attraction. Peter is motivated by the pain and beauty of his story and the stories of fellow gay Christians. Although celibate, Peter says the rich theology of celibacy in Scripture isn't taught. He says the Church isn't a place where single people can find deep love and friendship.



Demons vs. Prayer

Steve Hemphill Shares Stories of Battles with Demons

Demons are real. The devil is real, but deliverance is also real! Steve Hemphill, the former owner of a technology company, shares stories of how prayer and faith in God are no match against the devil's influences and his demons. Our battle is not against others but the powers of the unseen world. Steve is Larry Souder's special guest on Stories of Amazing Grace.



Self-Described "Lukewarm Christian" was living Life on the Porch

Jim Vernon, the author of "Life On The Porch", spent most of his life on the comfortable "front porch" of his spiritual walk, looking at what a meaningful relationship with God would be like...but not going inside. The comfort of the porch had become all too routine, that is until he and his wife were struck by cancer.


Sacrificial Mother - Gives Up Her Child for Adoption

Traci Perkins shares how, as an unwed mother, she made a difficult decision to give up her child for adoption. 


Prayer Heals Jack Martin of Stage 4 Cancer

Jack Martin had Stage 4 cancer, and the next step was hospice care, but God had other plans. Jack prayed, his friends prayed, people he did not know prayed, and on a return trip to the doctor's office, the doctor was amazed. There was no cancer. Jack shares his healing experience with Larry Souder on this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.



Russian Doctor Becomes Christian Radio Broadcaster

Dr. Chernushenko was a Russian medical doctor who came to America for additional medical studies. But, he ended up becoming a Christian Radio Broadcaster. Dr. Konstantin shares how an unlikely meeting with a soft-spoken Christian helped lead him to become a Believer. 



How God Answered My Adoption Prayers

After multiple disappointments and setbacks, the Hardin family was able (with God in control) to adopt their precious nearly 4-year-old Armenian-born little girl named Karene. David and Kathy Hardin already had eight children when they began the search to adopt a child with special needs. David shares how God was at work in the process.



A Humble Servant of God

The life and times of Madison Church of Christ Elder Milton Jones and his series of firsts as an African American. Milton shares life as an air traffic controller, the difficult moments he experienced in the Vietnam War, and the joys of practicing his faith in the church Benevolence Center. 



God's Providence in My Life

Stories of Amazing Grace host Larry Souder interviews himself and shares how God providentially answered three questions about his future in Radio, TV, and Media. With video examples.



The Awakening of HK Derryberry

According to medical science, HK Derryberry should never have survived his traumatic birth in 1990. HK arrived three months premature due to a single-car crash that took his mother's life. This two-pound baby was born blind, with cerebral palsy and countless other medical problems. HK's life was forever changed in 1999 when Jim Bradford welcomed him into his life like an adopted son. HK has an incredible memory and is among a handful of people in the world with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM). HK has nearly total recall of every detail and minute of his life since he was 3 1/2 years old! HK and Jim share their inspiring story with Larry Souder on Stories of Amazing Grace. In addition, their relationship is documented in a book entitled "The Awakening of HK Derryberry," available from



The Ups, Downs, and Rebounds of 40 Years In Sports Broadcasting

In his book "In Hines' Sight," former Nashville sports broadcaster Hope Hines chronicles the many sportspeople he has met and offers lessons from his encounters.  Hope shares that after working at one TV station after another, God finally put him back where he belonged - Nashville, TN.




Former Atheist Eye Surgeon Now Believes in God!


Dr. Ming Wang, a world-renowned laser eye surgeon, shares his remarkable life journey with Larry Souder on this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace. Arriving in America to attend college, Dr. Wang was an atheist. However, he later concluded that God does exist. Embracing his Christian faith, Dr. Wang tackled one of the most important questions of our time: are faith and science friends or foes? This question led to his invention of a breakthrough in biotechnology to restore sight.



God Spoke Four Words, and Everything Changed!

From the Tonight Show to the Grand Ole Opry, Susan Meredith Beyer has performed across America in the pursuit of stardom that nearly cost her Everything. Then God Spoke Four Words, and Everything changed. Susan is also the co-writer of the Christian stage play "ten Boom the musical" and author of the book "Above Reality - Where Miracles Happen, and Healing Begins." 



From Addiction to Recovery

George Snodgrass had a Norman Rockwell childhood, but drugs and alcohol riddled his teenage years. Later in life, medical issues landed him in the hospital for multiple days and brought him very close to meeting his maker. His battle with drugs and alcohol and ultimate recovery is truly a Story of Amazing Grace.



Jennifer O'Neill Had It All, But Her Heart Felt Empty

(Sorry, Video Is No Longer Available)

Jennifer O’Neill who is perhaps best known as a film actress in the “Summer of ’42” (1971) and as a Cover Girl Model for 30-years, shares the story of her pregnancy, abortion, depression, and healing with Larry Souder on Stories of Amazing Grace. As with many “perfect people,” there was a lot more going on inside at the height of her fame. Her life was filled with pain and mistakes including a suicide attempt, the guilt over her abortion, the sexual abuse of her daughter, and eight failed marriages.  That was before she fell in love with Jesus.



Medical Doctor Survives Burning Plane Crash

On June 6, 2014, Dr. William Alexander's life was turned upside down when his aerobatic plane crashed and burned 25 seconds after takeoff. Suffering burns on over 53% of his body, Dr. Alexander shares his story of survival with Larry Souder on Stories of Amazing Grace.



Coming to America

What do past and present Country Stars like Conway Twitty, Charlie Daniels, Ricky Skaggs, and Minnie Pearl have in common? They have all enjoyed a meal prepared by Margit Prosser. Since 1975, Margit Prosser of the Hermitage House Smorgasbord in Nashville, TN, has served good food, smiles, and hugs. She shares her love for America and her journey from the Slovak Republic.



Vietnamese Immigrant Finds God and Becomes Palliative Care Doctor

Dr. Ahn Meadows shares her journey of coming to America from Vietnam at an early age at the end of the Vietnam War. Her uncle, Captain Kiem Do (2nd in command of the Vietnamese Navy), was credited with the exodus of 30 thousand Vietnamese people. 



Youth Minister's Prayers are Answered

Nathan Hale says God directed his steps to be a Youth Minister.


It was a path that included:

  • Being the odd man out in high school. 
  • Witnessing poverty in a Honduras Dump.
  • Struggling with finding God's purpose for his life.
  • Being a Contemporary Christian Singer and Songwriter. 
  • Experiencing a death-defying bout with cancer.
  • And learning of a possible way to feed the hungry through Aquaponics.

Nathan shares his Story of Amazing Grace with Larry Souder.




The Story of a "Grateful, Recovering Sex and Love Addict"

Christian therapist and self-described "grateful, recovering sex and love addict" Marnie Ferree shares her experience and expertise on this unusual but compelling topic with Larry Souder. Marnie C. Ferree is the founder of Bethesda Workshops in Nashville and is a leader in sexual addiction, especially among women.



Heroic Air Force A-10 Pilot Flies Home on a Wing and a Prayer

Educated initially to be a farmer, Paul Johnson moved from raising hogs to flying the A-10 Warthog as a decorated combat veteran in Desert Storm. Major General Paul T. Johnson Ret., USAF, shares God and a friend's role in his unforeseen life with Larry Souder.



Tragedy to Triumph - The Adventures of Don & Carole Belles

Don & Carole Belles share their life-changing journey from Pennsylvania to Tennessee. And how God prevailed over and over again in their lives. 
Their roller coaster of life curves around the loss of Don's job, the tragic death of Carole's parents in a plane crash, and Carole's battle with cancer.
It's a true story of tragedy to triumph.



"I Wished I Had Been Born a Boy" - A Story of Redemption

Former Nashville Traffic Reporter LaVern Vivio (U-Turn LaVern) shares why she wrote a blog entitled "I Wished I Had Been Born a Boy." LaVern is also the author of "JESSE - A True Story of Redemption." It's a fascinating autobiography on LaVern's battle with low self-esteem, anger, resentment, and decades of bitterness. LaVern opens up about her life's struggles in this edition of Stories of Amazing Grace.  



Three Musical Stories of Standing Tall in the Lord

Short of stature, but "Standing Tall in the Lord," The Joy Boyz (Donnie & Darryl Frierson) share their Story of Amazing Grace. Also, from the pain of losing his parents to the ministry of music, William Gooch, bass singer for the group Durant, sings "Testimony."



Wrestler, Teacher, Sports Announcer, Author, and Bible Scholar

Former High School Latin teacher, Pro Wrestler, and Bible Scholar Conn Hamlett had an epiphany and now sees the Bible and his relationship with God in a new and more meaningful way.



TV Sportscaster Shares His Passion for Life, Work and Family

During his long and exciting career as one of the nation's premier sports newscasters, Rudy has crossed paths with some of the greatest names in sports history, such as Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, and Darrell Waltrip. Rudy now encourages others by blending his love of sports with his faith. But Rudy had humble beginnings when he came to America with his mother, father, and sister as immigrants from Germany when he was only five years old.



Memories of the Madison Church of Christ

Jerry Sherrill shares his memories and life of service at the Madison Church of Christ in Madison, TN, with flamboyant preacher Ira North. This nostalgic interview spans the decades of the 60s through the 90s and includes the video Voices from the Past


       Photo by Todd Hibbs

SOAG No. 1 - DENNIS BOGGS (President Abraham Lincoln)

Meet Mr. Abraham Lincoln

 Dennis Boggs, the first-place winner of the National Abraham Lincoln Competition, shares his portrayal of President Lincoln and his own personal story of alcohol abuse. Boggs is well known for presenting an enlightening, informative, and educational look at the life of the 16th President, as it might have been told by Abraham Lincoln himself.